As a local handyman, it's essential to have a strong online presence to attract potential customers. One way to do this is by implementing a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. However, simply implementing SEO techniques is not enough. You need to track and measure the success of your SEO strategy to ensure it's working effectively.

Here are some ways to track and measure the success of your local handyman SEO strategy:

  1. Use Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track website traffic and user behavior. By analyzing metrics such as the number of visitors, time spent on site, and bounce rate, you can see how well your website is performing. You can also set up conversion goals to track specific actions, such as filling out a contact form or making a phone call.

  2. Monitor keyword rankings: By tracking the ranking of the keywords you're targeting, you can see how well your SEO strategy is performing. There are many tools available, such as SEMrush or Ahrefs, that allow you to track keyword rankings over time.

  3. Analyze backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your site. They're an important factor in SEO because they indicate that your site is authoritative and valuable. By analyzing your backlink profile, you can see how well your SEO strategy is working. Tools such as Ahrefs or Majestic can help you analyze your backlinks.

  4. Track local search rankings: Local search rankings are important for local handyman services because they show how well your website is ranking in local search results. Tools such as BrightLocal or Moz Local allow you to track your local search rankings and see how well your SEO strategy is working in your local area.

  5. Monitor website speed and mobile-friendliness: Website speed and mobile-friendliness are important factors in SEO. A slow website or one that is not mobile-friendly can negatively impact your search rankings. Tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix allow you to analyze your website's speed and mobile-friendliness.

  6. Analyze social media metrics: Social media can be an important part of your SEO strategy because it can help you attract more website visitors and build brand awareness. By analyzing metrics such as likes, shares, and comments, you can see how well your social media strategy is working.

In conclusion, tracking and measuring the success of your local handyman SEO strategy is crucial to ensure it's effective. By using tools such as Google Analytics, keyword trackers, and local search ranking trackers, you can monitor the performance of your SEO strategy and make adjustments as needed. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, so it's important to regularly monitor and adjust your strategy to ensure its success.